U2-#2 - Table Discussions/Answer Questions
- Due No Due Date
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box
- Discuss 2.1 through 2.4 with your table mates.
- Answer 2 questions from below that you have the strongest reaction to in this Canvas assignment.
At school, teachers are dealing with using new technologies in the classroom. Some teachers
are eager adopters of technology, while others are hesitant and feel uncomfortable.
2.1. More teachers are using tools to try to detect cheating or deter students’ inclination to
cheat. In the program, we see the use of plagiarism-detection tools like Turnitin.com and
writing assignments completed during class time to make sure students do their own
work and generate their own ideas. In terms of student writing, what are some different
types of "cheating"? What are the elements you would include in your definition of
2.2. One teacher in the program says, "We almost have to be entertainers." If we think of an
entertainer as an actor, musician, dancer or someone who performs, in what ways is your
favorite teacher like an entertainer? In what ways is he or she unlike -- or different from --
an entertainer? What are the positive and negative consequences of expecting teachers
to be entertaining?
2.3. One student claims he "never reads books" but relies on summaries and annotated
notes he finds on Web sites. He confesses that he feels guilty about this, stating, "I feel
like I kind of cheated it." Should he feel guilty? Why or why not?
2.4 In the program, we see teachers using digital technology for their presentations. How do
students use digital media in school? In what grade levels and in which types of classes
are students most likely to use digital media for learning? What types of uses are most
and least common? Why?